The Empyrean is the one place in Spokane where the hidden hipster scene comes out of the woodwork. Up until November of last year, "The Empyrean" was across town in an ex-lamp shop, but had to move out for the same reason that The War Room in Seattle fell on hard times: Washington state bitching about the fucking sprinkler systems. So it moved into a building known locally as "The Big Dipper," which is owned by some 70-year-old ex-hippie and which has sat dormant entire life. And I have no idea why it hasn't been used until now, because it's an amazing venue...and after a nice acoustic show by The Dutchess and the Duke (I think they had an equipment malfunction so they had to play unplugged), Spencer and I totally got to sit in what is basically a loft directly over the stage for the entirety of The Cave Singers' set:
And here are some shots from The Dutchess and the Duke:
All in all, I was impressed. The venue and both the shows far exceeded expectations, and it was a lot of fun having such intimate access. I hope now that The Empyrean has resumed operations at this new (and better) location, Spokane will start attracting more shows like these. God knows the city needs them.
(The Duke)
(The Dutchess). Hell yes. They both finished bottles, if you're wondering...
All in all, I was impressed. The venue and both the shows far exceeded expectations, and it was a lot of fun having such intimate access. I hope now that The Empyrean has resumed operations at this new (and better) location, Spokane will start attracting more shows like these. God knows the city needs them.
And if you like chill indie folk, both of these bands are worth a look. D&D is more intimate, while The Cave Singers sound as if David Gray went indie. Check them out!
The Cave Singers- MS