Punk music has lost quality aesthetic! That bubble sploded a long time ago. Are you with me on that?
I don't want to justify why I'm posting this band. They are just a good move in the right direction for the general umbrella of punk music.
They were just signed to Fearless Records and are finishing up their tour with Yelle and Passion Pit. I caught them at the Berbati's Pan in Portland, OR and I haven't been so pleased with an opener in a very long time.
Cheetah is all about post-punk dance music.
Funeral Party (MS)
Don't say that to Yohann. He is gonna turn mad if he hears that punk music has lost quality aesthetic...
But I will tell him the name of the band, he is gonna be happy to hear your music. They miss you. They are thinking hard how to make you come back!
Anyway next week I am gonna see the Do. I am over excited...
Take care.
We need more Cheetah Love!
The Dø???? LUCKY!!!!
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