LCD Soundsystem has leaked the first single off there yet to be titled upcoming album. Its called "Drunk Girls," and its... pretty good. It has alot of the energy and rawness of their early singles, like "Yeah," as well as alot of the verbal adeptness if such tracks as "Losing My Edge." Nothing that jumps out with the sublime beauty of
Sound of Silver, but its nice to hear some of that infections energy coming of James Murphy golden pipes (well, dirty bronze tubes, at least) once again. Its only available on youtube at the moment, but you should still give it a spin for a nice little preview of what awaits.
Also on the net is a bit of this song "Pow Pow." Due to be release on April 30th, only a bit of it is available, but its hella disco and if you loop the track infinately you can barely even tell that only about a minutes available...
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