Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fang Island

I know Im pretty late on this one - but I've definitely fallen head over heels for Fang Island. These Brooklyn kids play a sort of of noise-math rock in the vein of Hella, with a chaotic innocence that recalls the Mae She. Its infectious, its loud, its awesome. The opening trio of songs hits hard, with "Daisy" and "Life Coach" ending up as some of the album highlights when all is said and done. I honestly dont think I've listened to something that felt this honest and strangely fun since I first heard Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. They just released their first EP, Fang Island, and its definately worth a listen, and probably worth a purchase as well.

Check out this video, if you dont believe me - it works as sort of a mission statement for the band and conjurs up exactly the sort of energy that defines the band. Furthermore, it lines up with their stated objective, as guitarist Jason Bartell puts it, to "Make music for people who like music." And who likes music more than a classroom full of kindergardeners?

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