Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Cross the Universe


I recently had the opportunity to watch the new Justice documentary.

Holy shit balls man. It's short, but just long enough, packed densely with everything you want out of a banger band doc: electro, booze, bus tour with a crazy bus driver, guns, titties, cops, fights, sex, and a crazy tour manager.

The entire film serves as a snapshot of America through the eyes of French people. It epitomizes every American stereotype you can imagine. Moreover, it gives absolute credence to these stereotypes while blurring the line between fiction and reality.


What I got from this film: electro is the new rock and roll. electro is the new religion. Every girl in the world wants to be in your pants if you are a successful electro band.

It's just like the eighties without all the coke.

The filmmaker simply and subtly sets the movie for all of it's points and contrasts making absolutely clear what Justice means to the world, or on a broader scale what electro is doing to the world. Along the way it captures the reality of live Justice shows and what exactly happened on the North American tour. There is really very little live footage in the film, but what is in there is solid gold.


It's obviously highly recommended to everyone. It was the most inspirational film I've seen all year. If you are planning on seeing it than don't read the SPOILERS I'm about to give to everyone who wasn't going to see it.

Watch this movie if you want to see:
*Justice shooting guns
*Justice getting married in las vegas
*A crazy bus driver who's convinced he has the lowest voice ever
*Justice shopping for giant mansions
*A drunk bitch serenading Justice in possibly the most excruciatingly painful piece of footage I've ever seen.
*Incredibly moving live footage
*Justice getting arrested.

Watch this movie if you don't want to be proud of your country but you want to be proud of your generation.
*************END SPLOITZ

It's hilarious, it's fucking banger, and badass as hell. DO ET.

The DVD is coming out soon and will include a full length live album - nothing necessarily new, but absolutely fresh.

Justice - Phantom 1.5 (live)


Cedar said...


Jon said...


Cedar said...


Agent Jellie said...

Gah... they are genius. GENIUS I TELL YOU! Every time I see a church with an illuminated beacon guess what I think now? Not "Jesus", I think "JUSTICE! JOUSTIIIIIIICE!!"

I want to be their friend.

Agent Jellie said...

The world needs more Cheetah love. Better get to lovin' you slackers!