So... Pin Me Down.
What to say. Russell Lissack (Bloc Party, fool) is an amazing guitar player, expressive and emoitional, with a great degree of technical skill yet possessing of a tempering intelligence that keeps him seemingly restrained until the appropriate moment. He has proved an expert DJ and programmer, a hard working and proficient musician with interesting ideas.
Milena Mepris is pretty hot.
I just dont know what to think. Mepris' (former lead singer of Black Moustache) voice seemed to be a fantastic contributing factor on such projects as Pin Me Down's excellent remix of "Ares," but it was pretty filtered and background, whereas on these tracks its front and center - and noticeably more, erm, nasally. I just dont know. The two tracks I have heard so far, "Cryptic" and "Time Crisis," its almost omnipresent, forgettable and annoying, until Russell's unusually muscular guitar playing edges it out of the way, and becomes immediately recognizable as the defining factor it was with Bloc Party.
Maybe its Russel's fault. While I certainly extract a great amount of joy from hearing him play guitar the same way he did with Bloc Party, maybe he needs to grow more as a guitarist to help these tracks stand out.
Or maybe he should just get back with Bloc Party.
Check out this remix, however, it does empty some of the guitar but it softens Mepris' voice and turns the track into an unoffensive eurodance track.
Pin Me Down - MS|OS
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