"Fucking Canada. Seriously. Stop coming out with such awesome music all the goddamn time. You and Sweden both (FUCK you Sweden don't interrupt, stay over there, I wasn't talking to you, I'm yelling at Canada right now). You're kinda not supposed to show us up like this all the time. You already beat us at hockey, but I really don't care about hockey so I'm willing to let that slide. But this? Really???"
I probably made this plea months ago, but to no avail. Instead, they mock me. On the same day that Broken Social Scene releases a baller new album (as will The New Pornographers very soon...argh), I find out about Teen Daze, an upstart chillwave group hailing from our soon-to-be-soccer-rivals from the north, Vancouver, B.C. Their debut EP is entitled Four More Years, and from the tracks I've been able to listen to....holy shit. If you wanted the lighter, sunny G&T-drinking music to slide into the summer, this is the music for drunkenly punching summer in the balls right before jumping into Lake Union without any clothes on. The title track to the EP is the moneyball, but the whole thing is like if Keegan and I had an electro baby. I'll just call it "bangergaze." There, I said it. Now fucking rip this shit:
Teen Daze - MS
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