Wednesday, February 24, 2010

LCD Soundsystem - New Album!

I was pretty depressed today, considering how much effort me and my friend Matt put into trying to get into Four Tet last night and what an epic fail that was - until I read on Pitchfork that LCD Soundsystem finished their new album today. Unfortunately they haven't released any new material for it yet, but here's hoping for a leak...

Unfortunately, I did a little research and it looks like this will be the last LCD Soundsystem album - and the next tour will be the last tour. So if you haven't seen LCD Soundsystem yet, you need to get on it. The concert I saw in San Francisco was the single most epic musical experience I have had in my whole life - hand to god, James Murphy rocked the amphitheater so hard he started controlling the weather. Seriously, he made lighting strike in time to his music. You think I'm exaggerating, but no. James Murphy is literally the art house disco punk reincarnation of Zeus.

Anywho, in lieu of any new stuff, here is Kermit the Frog singing "New York, I Love You."

LCD Soundsytem - OS|MS

LCD Soundsystem - "New York, I Love You"

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